vamtam-theme-circle-post Category Fitness, Personal Training, Uncategorized, Weight Loss, Wellness Why You Should Bring a Friend to the Gym January 13, 2023 Having a workout buddy can be a powerful tool when it comes to motivating yourself... Tags -accountability, -community, -competitive edge, -encouragement, -fitness goals, -friendships, -gym, -healthy choices, -learning new exercises, -motivation, -relationships, -sense of belonging., -socialize, -stick to your workout routine, -support, -workout buddy, fun at they gym, group class, Group training, inspire, motivation, offer encourgement, personal trianing, provide support, support READ MORE vamtam-theme-circle-post Category Fitness, Personal Training, Weight Loss, Wellness Stay Motivated at the Gym January 13, 2023 Going to the gym can be a great way to improve your health and fitness,... Tags -activity, -cardio, -equipment, -fitness, -goals, -group classes, -gym, -motivation, -rewards, -schedule, -spinning, -stick to your workout schedule., -weightlifting, -workout buddy, -yoga, dance, enjoyable activities, excercise, fitness goals, go to the gym, goals, keep going, modivate, Personal Training, Pilates, plan ahead, variety, workout friend READ MORE